Hi everyone!
I have just posted a reply to Natalia via the Yahoo group and felt it only right to do the same here on the blog.
It is with regard to texting, phoning, emailing etc Helen at the moment.......I know many of you will want to contact her to wish her well, send her your love, get well wishes etc......
The Hospital ward Helen is on is very strict, as it is obviously full of poorly patients, and lots of machinery.....all mobile phones HAVE to be switched off before entering the ward.
Helen has been allowed to keep hers so that she can speak with Stephen .......that is the ONLY call she wants to receive at the moment. No matter how short the conversation is between them - imagine what it must mean to each other when they are so many miles apart - so that is what is the most important thing at this time.
Wouldnt it be awful if they took away Helens phone because of us wanting to wish her well - and Stephen was unable to speak with her?
I will pass on everyones love and good wishes when I see her - and the most important thing is that she concentrates on getting herself better. Lets do what we have always done - take a few moments, close our eyes and pass on positive loving thoughts.........altogether now..........Go!