Friday 29 January 2010

A message from Daniel ........

about his project. Now I have to say that when I was writing about the project, I was searching for a word.....and that word was ETHEREAL and the definition " world created through the poetic imagination". Think of that phrase and then look at Dannis projects.......gorgeous!

Anyway....below is Dannis message about his project and I have to say, and remember that I am a painter and not a polymer clay artist, I think you would get loads and loads out of this workshop in terms of creativity - it will make you look at the clay in a totally different mind set.


You are absolutely right -only from the pictures, it is difficult to identify what the project is about.
So may I ellaborate a little bit on it.Polymer clay is an amazingly flexible and adaptable material, which benefits from almost any single technique available in the jewellery world. Mokume gane, millefiori, lathe turning, die casting... such a lot of jewellers' technical approaches to art have been successfully adapted -and even refined and perfected- to the polymer clay world.

This project -I indeed love the name you found for it, 'organic avatar'- is about adapting ancient jewellery techniques to polymer clay for making super-hollow, super-light, super-full-of-light pieces for your jewellery of decorative creations.

The pictures initially displayed for the project show very extreme possibilities using these techniques: dye-tinted, translucent beads, some as big as 4x2 inches, yet only 1 mm (or less) thick, so volumetric, delicate yet sturdy. They were all backlit so as to notice how hollow and ethereal they are.

But, of course, the same techniques can be used to make intrincate, opaque, small beads and pieces. For the purpose of clarity, I'll be sending new pictures of pieces in this way. Again, the technical solutions behind them are incredibly simple, and the results most creative and rewarding -and so much fun to design and make!


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